5 eco-friendly ways to clean the bathroom

5 eco-friendly ways to clean the bathroom

Bathroom cleaning is one of the most crucial household chores that must be performed regularly. The market has many modern products like sprays, rust removers, wipes, and soaps to make the job quick and easy. That said, most of them are expensive and use dangerous and harsh chemicals that affect the environment. Fortunately, you can achieve a squeaky-clean bathroom without contributing to environmental damage by following these simple eco-friendly tips. Polish surfaces with newspapers Many people use old rags to polish shiny bathroom surfaces like mirrors and faucets and end up noticing lint or fuzz on them. They then turn to a microfiber cloth. While microfiber cloths are readily available, they are bad for the environment as they shed particles of plastic, which are too tiny for filters to catch. An eco-friendly alternative is to use old newspapers to clean the bathroom. Newspapers can help you achieve shiny surfaces and be easily disposed of or recycled. Remove grime with lemon and salt Sinks and bathtubs are used multiple times during the day, leading to grime forming on their surface. An eco-friendly way to eliminate grime from the bathroom is to scrub it using lemon and salt instead of ready-made chemical formulas.
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7 common toilet cleaning mistakes to avoid

7 common toilet cleaning mistakes to avoid

Keeping the washroom clean is a hands-on task. But it’s necessary to wipe down all surfaces, use quality disinfectants, and sanitize the area regularly to maintain good hygiene. Doing so will prevent transferring bacteria and germs from the toilet to other areas of the house. Cleaning the toilet seems straightforward enough. But here are 7 mistakes you might be making involuntarily and should avoid the next time you tackle this task. Forgetting to clean the toilet brush The tool designed to scrape off grime, gunk, and all the funky discoloration in a toilet also needs to be cleaned thoroughly after regular use. Not cleaning the brush leaves bacteria and viruses to harbor and transfer over to your hands the next time you pick it up. Wiping down surfaces immediately When you use a chemical base toilet cleaner, it is important to spray and allow the product to sit on the surface while the formula activates and does its job. Never wipe down the surface immediately after spraying it with the cleaning solution, as it will not be as effective. Using too many cleaning products Mixing cleaning products or repeatedly using them on the surface can cause the toilet bowl layer to erode and become discolored.
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5 common toilet cleaning mistakes to avoid

5 common toilet cleaning mistakes to avoid

Cleaning a toilet is not a fun chore, however, a necessary chore of house cleaning. Not only is it hygienic to have a clean toilet, but it just makes good sense to use a tidy and clean bathroom. While this may be cathartic to some people, for others, it’s a chore they can’t wait to get over with! And as they rush through the cleaning process, some common mistakes can easily be avoided. Bleaching it too much While bleach is an effective cleaning product, too much can be disastrous for your toilet. Excessive use of bleach can damage the porcelain surface of the toilet bowl and even lead to gradual scratches and stains. Not to mention that too much of the product can lead to fumes, and if inhaled frequently, it can cause substantial damage to your health. So it is essential to use only just enough to keep those yellow stains and dirt away. Washing off the cleaner too soon If you aren’t already aware, the cleaner that is used for the toilet bowl needs to sit on the surface for a while. When you apply the product inside the bowl, wait a couple of minutes before you get the brush to scrub it off.
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10 surprising things that a home warranty doesn’t cover

10 surprising things that a home warranty doesn’t cover

If you purchased or are planning to purchase a home, you may have wondered what a home warranty covers. A home warranty can save you money when any systems and appliances break down, preserving your home and budget. However, it doesn’t cover every element of your home. Some aspects that a home warranty doesn’t cover, like leaky roofs and cosmetic damage, are listed below. Scroll down to uncover the limitations of a home warranty plan. Walls, doors, and windows A home warranty usually doesn’t cover walls, windows, and doors as they are considered structural elements. However, based on the age of your home, these items will be covered by a homeowners insurance policy or builder’s warranty. Cosmetic damage If the damage, like scratches or dents, is caused by natural wear and tear over time, it is the homeowners’ responsibility, not that of the warranty provider. Pest damage Home warranties are not designed to cover and repair/ replace the damages caused by pest infestations like rodents or termites. Leaking roofs A home warranty doesn’t cover leaking roofs since this is a structural problem. Hot tubs and swimming pools Pools and hot tubs are some things not covered under a home warranty, but certain companies might extend their coverage at an additional price.
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6 common gardening mistakes to avoid for a lush garden

6 common gardening mistakes to avoid for a lush garden

Gardening can bring many health benefits to individuals, from reducing stress to uplifting mood and energy levels. The activity can also be emotionally rewarding and allow one to stay connected with nature. But it is a skill that requires a few trials and errors before learning how to do it well. Beginners, particularly, may need to watch out for mistakes related to the plants, soil, fertilizers, or seasonal plantations that may harm their green patch. Common gardening mistakes Overwatering At times, people may worry about drying out their plants and overwater them. This mistake causes the roots to get waterlogged, which may stop the oxygen cycle and rot them. The best way to avoid this is to water plants deeply, less frequently, and wait until the two inches of the topsoil is dry to the touch before watering again. One can use a moisture meter to check moisture level in the soil as well. Underwatering On the other hand, not watering enough can also be detrimental to one’s plants, especially to the new sprouts and transplants. Bigger trees and richer soil can hold water for a longer time, so a day or two of underwatering does not affect them as much.
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5 common gardening mistakes to avoid

5 common gardening mistakes to avoid

Gardening isn’t something you get right on the first try. It requires some trial and error to perfect. Sometimes, you might find a plant doing poorly in one spot of your yard but thriving in another. While you might need more than a couple of tries to get things right, you must first learn about the common gardening mistakes to avoid. Luckily, most of these are easy to step over. Skipping compost Plants need nutrients while growing, and the best way to supply them is by adding compost. By skipping compost, you’re falling prey to one of the most common gardening mistakes that should be avoided. Compost not only provides plants with nutrients but also adds moisture and improves the soil’s drainage. Ignoring pest control Pests are always waiting for a chance to make quick work of your garden. So, you must find a way to stop them without using poisonous chemicals. One solution is to grow disease and pest-resistant plants that attract birds and insects that eat destructive pests. You can use some non-toxic traps and sprays occasionally. Poor watering habits It’s impossible to ignore how many of us water our plants and gardens at the wrong time. If you want the lawn to retain moisture, water it last thing at night or first thing in the morning.
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4 ways to maintain a water tank

4 ways to maintain a water tank

Maintaining a clean and sanitized water tank is essential for ensuring the health and well-being of your household. This is why it is critical to know the best ways to clean your water tank. From regular inspections to thorough cleaning methods, practical tips and examples are beneficial to homeowners. By implementing these tips, you’ll be able to enhance water quality, prevent contamination, and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your water supply is clean. Regular inspections and maintenance If you want to stay on top of water tank hygiene, ensure you are keeping up with regular checks and maintenance. Any possible signs of cracks, leaks, or damage could result in a tank’s integrity being compromised. You will also need to regularly check your pipes, fittings, and valves. Conducting daily inspections allows you to address problems early on and avoid costly repairs or water quality issues down the line. Flushing and draining the tank It is common knowledge that draining and flushing a water tank periodically helps avoid any debris, sedimentation, and stagnant water from being accumulated. The first step to doing this is turning off the tank’s water supply. Next, open the drain valve and allow the tank to be completely drained.
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5 effective ways to clean carpets at home

5 effective ways to clean carpets at home

Cleaning the walls and dusting furniture are essential aspects of home cleaning, but the carpet is one surface on which considerable dust accumulates over time, and cleaning it becomes a challenging task. And contrary to popular belief, carpet cleaning can be a hassle-free process if one follows the right strategies and is aware of certain quick cleaning hacks. This article provides insight into some easy ways to clean a carpet: Clean using basic household products The “solutions” to a spotless carpet are mostly readily available at one’s home. A mixture of club soda and vinegar or baking soda, borax, and cornstarch can do wonders for your carpet, leaving it stain-free and tidy. One may also use steam vapor or a salt and vinegar solution for effective carpet cleaning. Another pro tip for cleaning a carpet is to apply a dab of shaving cream on it, which is effective in removing different types of stains. Blot stains on the carpet A common mistake while cleaning carpets is to rub on stains after pouring a solution. The right way to remove these stains is to blot them using a paper towel, sponge, or even a clean piece of cloth. Use ice cubes Hard, sticky substances like gum can be difficult to clean from carpets.
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