4 warning signs a child is neglected

4 warning signs a child is neglected

Disheartening as it is, child abuse and neglect is a rampant issues in the country. According to the CDC, 1 in 7 children experienced abuse and neglect last year. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the early warning signs of child neglect to tackle this problem at its roots. This can take more than one form and manifest as physical, emotional, educational, or medical neglect. Here are some early warning signs to watch out for: Poor appearance and hygiene This may include the child being smelly or dirty, hungry, not being given money for food, having unwashed clothes, having inappropriate clothing for the weather, or having frequent or untreated nappy rashes (in infants). Health and development problems These issues may include anemia, poor muscle tone, prominent joints, medical or dental issues, missed medical appointments, poor language or social skills, recurring infections, repeated accidental injuries caused by a lack of supervision, skin issues such as sores, rashes, flea bites, scabies or ringworm, thin or swollen tummy, tiredness, untreated injuries, and growth issues. Housing and family issues Some of these warning signs may include the child living in unsuitable housing conditions, such as no heating or running water, being left alone for long periods, not having a curfew or bedtime, or taking on the role of carer for other family members.
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Best side hustle ideas to check out in 2023

Best side hustle ideas to check out in 2023

The goal of a side hustle is to earn extra money to support one’s lifestyle. With the current economic scenario, people are constantly looking for sources of income besides salaries. It provides greater financial security and the freedom to pursue one’s interests while maintaining job security. The most important aspect of a side hustle is that it is exciting enough to keep one interested. Here are some of the most creative side-hustle ideas for 2023. Best side hustle ideas for 2023 Online surveys Filling online surveys is one of the simplest and most popular side hustles to get started with. Although it might not be the highest-paying job available online, it can be a great place to start learning about time management and balancing two careers, which may eventually lead to finding something more significant. For each survey, people can earn between $1 and $20. Writing blogs Starting a blog can be a fantastic option for people with a creative side who want a voice and a creative outlet. Most blogs generate a little money at first, but as their readership and reach grow, they generate more and more money. Bloggers can earn roughly tens of thousands of dollars per month.
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8 healthy foods to manage menopause symptoms

8 healthy foods to manage menopause symptoms

Menopause is a normal aspect of a woman’s aging process. The transition period generally begins four years before one’s last menstrual cycle, between the ages of 45 and 55. This phase may be accompanied by symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, lower metabolism, and sleep problems. However, keeping one’s body nourished can help combat some of these symptoms. Some healthy foods to eat to manage menopause symptoms are listed below. Milk Milk and other dairy items such as cheese and yogurt are excellent sources of nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins D and K, which are essential to keep the bones healthy. They also contain an amino acid called glycine, which can help improve sleep quality in menopausal women. Some studies have also linked dairy intake with a reduced risk of early menopause by up to 17 percent. Soy Soy and other soy products contain phytoestrogens, which act like a weaker version of the hormone estrogen in the body. Since the rate of production of estrogen declines during and after menopause, consuming soy products such as soy milk, soybeans, edamame, tofu, miso, and tempeh, can help manage the intensity of symptoms like hot flashes in menopausal women.
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Top foods to help fight nasal polyps

Top foods to help fight nasal polyps

Nasal polyps is a respiratory condition in which a benign growth develops along the line of the sinuses. This growth, while benign, starts to affect airflow and breathing. If an individual suffers from chronic inflammation, they are at high risk of developing nasal polyps, and can be triggered by common environmental allergens. However, some foods help fight off nasal polyps, so let’s take a look at what can be had with this condition. Mushrooms This is a superfood for fighting off nasal polyps because of its selenium content. Selenium is an essential antioxidant that is found to reduce inflammation in the body. This is especially helpful during any flare-ups caused by nasal polyps. Some other foods, which are also rich in selenium, include fish like cod and halibut, Brazil nuts, and some specific types of red meat. Turmeric Turmeric is known for its vast variety of health benefits, and one of these is its anti-inflammatory properties, which help those dealing with nasal polyps symptoms. You can add turmeric to most curry recipes and even consider adding it to some warm milk. However, make sure that you only add a pinch of it, otherwise too much turmeric can add a bitter taste to the food.
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Top 5 home improvement hacks to try

Top 5 home improvement hacks to try

Home improvement is a perpetual endeavor; no matter how many upgrades you get and change the carpets, paint, or furniture, there may always be some scope for improvement. Additionally, as needs evolve, it might be necessary to change a few things around the house. While some projects may require professional services, others could be easy DIY tasks you can take up. Here are 5 easy home improvement hacks that you can try: Use Washi tape on doors Without the right kind of lighting in the room or the hallway, plain white doors can look dull. But you can fix this issue with a simple DIY hack using Washi tape. The tape comes in multiple colors, sticks to the surface with ease, and leaves no residue, so there is no damage to the door. You can get creative with the designs and patterns, with the white door as the perfect blank canvas. With this hack, you get the chance to change the pattern as many times as you want. Experiment with wall colors You don’t have to call a professional to transform a space when paint can do the job. Experiment with colors and try a few samples to see what works best for each room.
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10 plants that are poisonous to dogs

10 plants that are poisonous to dogs

From beautifying one’s home naturally to serving as healthy food sources, plants serve various functions. However, dog parents have the added responsibility of understanding what plants are safe for their canine friends. Certain plants generally safe for humans can prove fatal to dogs. While some plants may have such detrimental effects upon ingestion, even exposure to others may induce such effects in dogs. Here are some plants that can be toxic to your pooch: Sago palm Resembling a mini palm tree, this plant is often grown indoors as well as outdoors in homes and offices. However, ingesting the sago palm’s leaves, barks, nuts, or seeds can lead to detrimental effects among dogs, including diarrhea, liver failure, and seizures. Garlic While garlic is highly nutritious for humans, it can irritate dogs’ gastrointestinal tracts and cause severe adverse reactions, including vomiting and diarrhea. It also damages their red blood cells and should be kept out of their reach at all times. Onion Ingestion of onion can also damage dogs’ gastrointestinal tracts and cause severe digestion issues. Thus, onion in all forms, including cooked, raw, and powdered, should be kept away from dogs. Alocasia This visually appealing plant with wide, dark-green leaves is a favorite among homeowners.
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Blood clots – Signs and foods to eat

Blood clots – Signs and foods to eat

The human body has a complex network of veins and arteries that transport blood to different parts. It is a crucial function because blood contains oxygen and essential nutrients to keep a person healthy. Sometimes, clots can form in the veins and arteries, restricting blood flow and leading to severe complications. When this happens, doctors may recommend treatments, foods, and lifestyle changes to eliminate such clots and improve blood circulation. Signs of blood clots Identifying blood clots in time is vital to prevent the condition from worsening. Here are the signs to look out for: Swelling A swelling in the legs, arms, or other body parts that does not go away may be a sign of a blood clot. Pain or tenderness Pain or tenderness in the affected area may also be a warning sign. The pain may be localized or spread over a larger area. Warmth or redness Blood clots can cause warmth or redness in the affected area, which should not be ignored. Shortness of breath Blood clots in the lungs may cause shortness of breath, chest pain, and coughing. Dizziness or confusion Clots in the brain can cause dizziness, confusion, and difficulty speaking or understanding. Foods to manage blood clots Besides using the proper treatment, one may add the following foods to their meals to manage the condition after consulting a health expert:
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Sliding window blinds – Types and advantages

Sliding window blinds – Types and advantages

Sliding window blinds are gaining popularity because of their versatility and style. They offer an ideal solution for spaces needing privacy, light control, and energy efficiency while enhancing the room’s overall aesthetic appeal. Going for sliding windows might be one of the best options for window replacement or home remodeling. Let’s delve into the benefits of sliding window blinds, the different types available, and how to choose and maintain them. Advantages of sliding window blinds Privacy Sliding window blinds provide excellent privacy, making them perfect for areas such as bedrooms, bathrooms, and other spaces that require privacy. Light control Sliding window blinds offer excellent light control, making them ideal for spaces needing varying lighting levels, such as media rooms or home offices. Energy efficiency Such window blinds help conserve energy by minimizing heat loss in the winter and reducing heat gain in the summer, making them a practical choice for energy-efficient spaces. Style and aesthetics These window treatments are available in various materials like vinyl and wood, colors, and styles, making them a perfect option for adding style and aesthetics to any room. They can elevate a space’s look and feel while serving a functional purpose. Types of sliding window blinds There are several types of sliding window blinds to choose from, each with its own features and benefits.
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