Symptoms, causes, and remedies for atopic dermatitis in children
Atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that commonly affects infants and children. The term is used to describe several types of conditions that lead to reddened, scaly, itchy, and aggressive inflammation of the skin of children and infants. Knowing more about this disorder helps parents and healthcare professionals aid their children with this condition better. Thus, here are the symptoms, causes, and foods to eat to alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis: Atopic dermatitis symptoms These are the typical indicators of atopic dermatitis in children or infants: Rashes Atopic dermatitis can be diagnosed on the basis of skin infection and rashes on the inside of elbows and behind the knees in children. Apart from these, rashes can appear in other areas such as the neck, wrists, ankles, the area between the buttocks, or the creases on top of the child’s thighs. Children end up rubbing and scratching these areas vigorously to get some relief from the incessant itchiness. Itchy skin As mentioned above, a characteristic aspect of atopic dermatitis is itchiness. This condition tends to dry the skin, making it highly irritable and itchy. Despite the itchiness, it is recommended for kids not to scratch their skin too much as that results in rashes and further skin damage.
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